
Ebenezer Christian Preschool is committed to a nurturing environment for Christian education. The children will be involved in a Bible story time each day. Stories relating the plan of salvation as well as God’s faithfulness to his people from the Old and New Testament are told using a variety of approaches.

Our preschool program offers your child an opportunity for a gentle, loving introduction into our Christian school community and encourages his/her own personal growth and development.

Our goal is to educate the whole child by encouraging initiative in expressing choices and solving problems.

Curiosity, creativity, and self-expression will be explored through activities in language, art, music, and dramatic play.

Our preschool classes are on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays and follow the school calendar.

Our morning session is from 8:45-11:45, and is currently full.

Our afternoon session is from 12:15-3:15, and is also currently full. Preschool students with older siblings enrolled at Ebenezer are allowed to ride the bus with their siblings.

For more information about our preschool program, contact the school office.

Family Requirements

Ebenezer Christian School admits students who come from families:

  • Who grant the school the complete freedom to present the saving Lordship of Jesus Christ, His ownership of all things and all men in virtue of His death and resurrection, the call of God to repent and believe in the Gospel, and an explanation of a Christian way of looking at life and the world.

  • Who desire for their children an education based on the values expressed in Our statement of Purpose

  • Who are in accordance with the biblical and doctrinal standards of the school for behavior and conduct

  • Who are willing to work cooperatively with the school in the Christian nurture of their children

Students must be 4 years old by September 1st and fully capable of taking care of their toileting needs.

All parents applying for admission are required to complete the Admission Forms and meet with School Board representatives to be interviewed prior to their child’s acceptance at Ebenezer.

For More Information

Tuition Schedule

Admission Forms

Please contact us for more information and the most current edition of our Preschool handbook.